Summer is still in full swing but over the coming weeks parents, pupils and schools will all be preparing for September and the new school year. For parents and children the focus will be on books, pencils and school uniforms, while schools will be thinking of ways to upgrade and enhance the learning environment and get it ready to greet new arrivals and return pupils.

A simple but effective way to improve the entrance to a school, while promoting the school image and ethos, is to add a printed logo mat to your lobby/ entrance hall. We’re not talking about right at your main threshold (please use proper entrance matting at your doorway!), but a little bit further inside the entrance so that the mat is more of an advertisement for the school rather than an entrance mat that is going to bear the brunt of wet, winter days and dirty feet.

If you place your logo mat in a key location where pupils and visitors to the school will see it every day, it will help reinforce the schools identity and can promote the philosophy or motto of the school (while also being easy to maintain). 

Our logo mats are printed at 72dpi, using the latest printing technology available for logo mats, with a wide-ranging palette of 151 colours to choose from. We can print your crest or school logo, a motto or welcome message, all on an absorbent, durable and slip-resistant nitrile rubber-backed mat that is washable up to 50°C and made in just 7-10 working days.

With prices starting at just €222 ex. VAT for your own custom mat (and free delivery for those in the education sector), it’s an easy, affordable and effective way of refreshing your school image/ entrance for the new school year.


DeliveryMat warehouse newsRubber mats